Most of us would not be missing the above serial in Hindi, that is being relayed in Imagine TV everyday!
It used to amuse me so much when I used to see the teaser clip of Rakhi saying "jaan bhoojkar ye bachche mujhe kyun dhiya, jo sOtha hi nahi", with a very frustrated look and expression! Although I did not like the first serial "Rakhi ka Swayamvar" which is continued by the present one, the teaser clippings for the present one used to amuse me, and my wife used to call me to see the same whenever it was relayed. Somehow I got into the habit of seeing this serial regularly, but since late I was cursing myself for the same, because some of the scenes irritated me so much !
The serial goes like this! All the four couples who got married, are sent to a Farm-house, in a very nice place out of the City. Purpose is that they should get to know what is married life and how to lead their life harmoniously when they get a child! The Idea seems to be very good, but for one thing ! For the purpose of experiencing the nuances of pregnancy, rather, the burden of a mother bearing a child, the heroines are tied to their stomach with a heavy baggage like weight weighing about 15/20 kg ! They have to carry the weight and act as though they are carrying a child!, feel as though the child is growing in their stomach, keep teasing their husbands and make them do all the household jobs, etc. etc! The very scenes used to irritate me so much! The expressions of the so called 'mothers',about the heaviness of bearing and all, I feel, would scar any viewer who is yet to bear a child! MOTHERHOOD is a feeling which is to be experienced and enjoyed, which can not be practiced beforehand! This particular aspect of the show is a real "MOCKERY ON MOTHERHOOD" !
Then, they would act as though they gave birth to a child and one of them to a twin ! For this purpose,small children are given to them for handling and the original parents of the children would be seeing from the next room, the scenes of their children being reared! IT IS ACTUALLY A TORTURE for the children, I used to feel ! The original parents make the children act in the serial for the sake of money!! The real mother intervenes during the scenes and cries for the way the children are being handled ! Ridiculous it is I felt! I don't know what sort of a parents they would be, who allows such a torture the children like this ! In any case, in their real life, may be, they would have to leave the children at a creech in the near future! They probably would feel that they have started this a bit early! All for the sake of money!
Those days, when my children used to be very small, I never used to take them to any cinema hall,exhibition etc, just for the reason that they should not get crushed in crowd, at least up to the age of three or four. Naturally, for a person of such temperament these scenes in TV serial would definitely look a real TORTURE !
Now, in the serials, small children have gone back home with their parents and a little grown up ones are expected to come today for staying with the couple ! Commercialism is going to dogs,touching the peaks of illogicality and incredibility!
Nevertheless, seeing it from a positive angle, we should say that there are definitely scenes which teach how to handle small children, how the couple should co-operate with each other in leading their life, etc etc. Liter side of married life shown are encouraging! The concept of give and take is clearly brought out! The show definitely would make some of the viewers feel that they themselves are living examples! The fact that a new concept as such has been brought out for the viewers, is to be very much appreciated !
Just as a sample, one of the episodes can be seen in the following video !