People say 'Mind is a Monkey" ! I hardly accept it! Mind has got to have some control even to keep quiet (meaning, without involving itself into any physical actions)! Even at that time it can not act cranky ! It will defenitely produce! Mind is compared to Monkey for cranky behaviours! But my point is that monkey does not behave cranky as far as its mind is concerned. If we are not able to read the mind of a monkey, well, it is not its fault and we are at fault! For behaving in any particular manner, monkey does use its brain and reacts as per its formulae! Results are defenitely produced and the proceeds are for the the satisfaction of the monkey, and it may not suit our need, which does not warrant to say that monkey behaves cranky! Similarly, human minds also work according to the needs of a particular human being, on a particular concept, at a particular point. The way one person's mind works need not be upto what the other expects, but the results are produced as per that person's need!
Ultimately, it proves that the saying 'Mind is a Monkey' can not be taken as a perfect one!