Lord Ganesha otherwise called Vinayakan, is the foremost God for Hindhus. It is said that the esthetic form of Vinayaka is the reason for the very creation of this Universe. HE is the foremost of all the other Forms of Almighty, whom Hindhus pray before starting any work or any pooja even! He is called 'vigna vinAyakan' which means, "the one and the only leader (nAyakan) who destroys all the 'vigna' (impediments) which comes in between". HE is the one who nullifies(theerkkum) all the results of one's evil deeds (vinai). HE is "vinai theerkkum vinAyakan" !
The purpose of this Blog is to make you all enjoy some melodious songs from all languages, on Lord Ganesha !
Given below is the youtube link for a very melodious Tamil song on HIM, sung by Sri SEERKAZHI GOVINDHARJAN. The song is set in Raga NAATTAI . Please enjoy!
"sankata nAsana gaNapahi sthOthram" :
The meaning of the above is,"A Praise on GANAPATHI who destroys all the sufferings". The verses can be heard here !
Next comes a very melodious song in Marathi in praise of Lord Ganapathi! Both the singers have poured out their devotion to God and that is why it is so very melodious! The song is set to Rag YAMAN (In Carnatic it is said 'Yamuna Kalyani').
Pratham Tula Vandito (Ganpati song)
This is a song by the great "PURANDHARA DASARAU" on Lord Ganesha . You will be hearing this sung by Bagyalakshmi Suresh and Jayashree Ramanathan. Traditionally this is sung in the Raga "Saurashtram", but here you will enjoy the song, very beautifully rendered in the Raga "Hameer Kalyani" !
Though there are so many carnatic krithis in Telugu by Thyagaiah, I am posting here a popular and melodious devotional song in Telugu, in praise of Lord Ganesha.
"Vinayaka Nee Murthike Ma Modhati Pranamam"
Here goes a very melodious and pious filled Ganesh Bhajan in Gujarathi sung by PARAS BORKHATRIA . It sounds like Raga "Valachi" of Carnatic Music! Only experts should clarify the Raga! Please enjoy the song !
Now comes a beautiful song by Jayachandran in Malayalam on Lord Vigneshwara ! This is again in the Raga NATTAI. It starts with lyrics meaning "Oh,Lord Vigneshwara, I came in front of you to break the Cocanut,ideally my life itself, as an offering at your Lotus Feet. Please accept" !
Vigneswara Janma Nalikeram - PUSHPANJALI
gaNpati vandhanA - Hari Om Sharan
Hari Om Sharan, a famous Bhajan singer has rendered this song in praise of Ganapati wonderfully, with full of devotion. Very enjoyable one! I presume this to be set in Raag DESH ! The lyrics are also given in the video which would enable a sing along!
Let me end this with a composition of my own written in Tamil, which is set to raga Hamsadhwani !
ராகம்: ஹம்ஸத்வனி பாடல்: பாலாஜி
கஜமுகனை வேண்டினேன்
கணம் கணம் நினைந்துருகும்
மனங்களில் நினைந்தருளும் (கஜமுகனை)
முன்னைப்பழம் பொருளோன் மூவுலகாதாரன்
முறைகளைக் கேட்டருளி வரம்தரு மோர்சீலன்
மூவரும் யாவருமே முதல்நினை சிவபாலன்
முனிவர்கள் தொழும் வேதம் வணங்கிடும்குரு நாதன் (கஜமுகனை)
இனிமைக்கு மறுபெயரோன் இகபரசுகம்தரு வோன்
ஈடிணை இல்லாதோன் எங்கெங்கும் நிறைந்திடுவோன்
தங்கு தடையின்றி மங்களங்கள் அருள்வோன்
தாமரை மல்ர்க் கழல்கள் சரண்புகுந் தேன்நானும் (கஜமுகனை)