Just a SMILE brings life to the whole atmosphere and that is the magic of SMILE ! It really creates wonders ! A face loses its charm without a SMILE in it !
Imagine that you are going to attend an interview. Your entering the interview hall with a smiling face would generate positive feeling all over and within yourself also, which would help you handle the situation nicely and come out successfully with the interview !
Imagine that you are going to meet a client to sell a product of your Company . Your entering the place with a smiling face would defenitely ease the client's moods which would in turn make your job easy to get the business ! SMILE COSTS NOTHING !
We have to learn this habit from Children ! They always have a smiling face only. When you see the smiling face of a child, you forget all your worries and you also smile !
We are born in this world, not for worrying ourselves on anything, thereby making others also worry ! Each one is born in this world with a mission , with a purpose to fulfill.. But every one of us spend at least half of our life time without finding out the purpose. We have to search for the purpose which is not anywhere outside, but lies within ourselves. Let us search for that with a SMILE, easen our job and come out successfully !